Saturday, January 17, 2004

Random Acts of Poetry


If I come back as a monkey,
let my busy fingers
play with your hair.

If I come back as a dog,
ignore my growling.
Brush my fur and let me sniff
your bedclothes.

If I come back as a blackbird,
don't be alarmed.
Let me roost in your branches.

If I come back as a frog,
give me a kiss,
then leave me to my pond water.

If I come back as a fish,
throw me back.
Don't listen to my promises.

If I come back as a worm,
at least I'll be good for your garden.

If I come back as an insect,
don't be surprised if I buzz around your head.
And don't bother to slap me.

I'll only come back.

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