Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Spam Philosophy

I received an unusual spam message yesterday, full of pithy aphorisms. Here are the more interesting ones (with the wacky spelling corrected):

"Give me four years to teach the children, and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted."

"Character builds slowly, but it can be torn down with incredible swiftness."

"In all, the silent manliness of grief."

"There is no such thing as justice, in or out of court."

"A special kind of beauty exists which is born in language, of language, and for language."

"We dribble away our life, little by little, in small packages -- we don't throw it away all at once."

"Romances I never read like those I have seen."

"By learning you will teach, by teaching you will learn."

"Dog: A kind of additional or subsidiary deity designed to catch the overflow and surplus of the world's worship."

And this gem:

"Ma tteocuiyo mitozmhuiquili"

I can't remember what this spam was selling -- the usual snake oil, no doubt -- but for once I didn't mind receiving the message. I know that random text strings are included in spam to fool mail filters, but these don't seem nonsensical enough to be computer-generated, except for the last one. A philosophical spammer?

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