Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Search Party

Here are some recent search queries that brought seekers to this temple of scribomania.


Chamomile cranium, English breakfast brain, Earl Grey matter.... Wouldn't these be good brand names for a "tea makes you smarter" scam?

planet hell

If Hell was a planet, it might be something like this. Odd, isn't it, that Hell always looks a lot more interesting than Heaven.

paradox of self amendment

I used to worry a lot about changing. Would I still be "me" if I changed? But then I realized that the only people who don't change are dead. And I certainly wouldn't feel like me if I was dead.

archaism in shakespeare

Shakespeare... archaic? What would he say to such an accusation?
Thou roguish full-gorged death-token!
Thou froward fly-bitten bag of guts!
Thou viperous flap-mouthed hag-seed!
Thou ruttish shag-haired ratsbane!

More here.

another word for q-tips

Not a word, but a phrase: cotton swabs? Too obvious. How about "orifice probes"?

chesire cat

Here you go. My favorite character in the story.

cheshire cat

"We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."
"How do you know I'm mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, "otherwise you wouldn't have come here."

take this brother may it serve you well

The next words are "Maybe it's nothing". Or maybe it's a cup of tea.

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