Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wandering Word Thoughts: Firenado!

Here's wishing you a cwtch. Don't you just love those Welsh words that have no vowels? (It means a hug.)


No, "sharknado" is not an actual weather word. Aren't you glad? But firenado is. That's a vortex that rises from a fire, carrying smoke and flame.


If you don't want to call it a lie, you can at least describe it as twistical (meaning inclined to twist the truth).


Let's use more interjections, dagnabbit!

Monday, April 17, 2017

Wandering Word Thoughts

Are you a "pochemuchka" (someone who asks too many questions)? Forget I asked!


You may think my blog is "floccinaucinihilipilification" (meaning worthless -- TWITO, page 55), but I don't.


Lord Cardigan led the Charge of the Light Brigade, but now he's known for a cozy sweater.


"Misodoctakleidist" (TWITO, page 89) means someone who hates practicing the piano. "Like me," I would have said at age 8.

Thursday, April 06, 2017

Connecting the Dots: Trumpisms

Donald Trump keeps saying "I will tell you this" before he tells us something. I take it as an admonition to engage my skepticism. But maybe I should preface my own portentous utterances with a similar throat-clearing mini prologue, in case I say something stupid -- a fair warning. Something like "Let me say this about that" (another unpopular president's favorite preamble) or just "now hear this!"

Monday, April 03, 2017

Wandering Word Thoughts

"Gumsuck me goodbye, honey!" Gumsuck is a 19th-century slang term for "kiss". Ewww....


To thine own ipseity be true. Ipseity is a word for "selfhood" or the ability to be oneself.


Any other epeolatrists out there? Epeolatry is the worship of words.


One of my favorite words is fulgent (meaning "shining brightly"). "Unable to sleep, he wandered the hills that night, under the fulgent moon." (TWITO, page 58)


Are you sesquipedalian? Then you like to use long words.