Sunday, September 27, 2020

Can we agree that 2020 is a TOURBILLON?

What's the word I'm thinking of? Today, it's... 

TOURBILLON [toor-bee-YON] (noun)

A whirlwind or vortex

"In this state of things, had I accepted and returned home, do you think that a seat upon the bench would have removed me from the tourbillon of politics?"
--John Quincy Adams, letter (1811) (TWITO, page 148)

Sunday, September 06, 2020

Ignore all that campaign FANFARONADE

What's the word I'm thinking of? Today, it's...

FANFARONADE [FAN-fer-uh-NAID] (noun)

Empty boasting, arrogant bluster

"We laugh at the fanfaronade of the French, but never in my life did I see fanfaronade approaching in extravagance to the fanfaronade of this piece, and every burst of vapour was received by the audience with bouts of applause."
--"Diary of a Constant Reader," in The London Magazine (1826) (TWITO, page 52)