Parabolic Avocation
"You're a soprano warbler," I see, said Edwin. "I mean... I hear."
"This again? That's just farcical perverseness", said Enid. "You know I'm alto."
"Nope, soprano," said Ed. "No needful capitulation from me."
"Pugnacious imbecility," Enid warbled.
"Wiggly grayness," Ed said.
"What?" said Enid.
"Test phrase. Try singing that phrase in your highest register."
"Wigglyyy graaaynesssss," Enid sang. "Oh this is barefaced imbecility," she said.
"No, soprano," Ed insisted. "You can do better than that."
"Now we're wandering into sterotypical happenstance," Enid said. "We've been all through this before."
"You could break a glass with that voice," said Ed, with circumscribed garrulousness.
Enid laughed. "I could try. My Baccarat crystal stemware? Would you drop this if I can't do it? Or fix it if I can?
"Cohesive epoxy, right here," said Ed, opening a drawer.
"Your obsession with always being right is a parabolic avocation," Enid sighed, raising the nearest glass.
It was the one Ed had already sabotaged with a hairline crack.
[not to be continued]