Sunday, December 27, 2020

Do you miss the CANOROUS sounds of a live concert?

What's the word I'm thinking of? Today, it's....

CANOROUS [can-OR-uss] (adjective)

Melodious; musical

"The dull life at Oxford was varied by the occasional visit of a mesmeric lecturer; and one youth caused peals of canorous laughter by walking round in a pretended mesmeric sleep and kissing the pretty daughters of the dons."
--Thomas Wright, The Life of Sir Richard Burton (1906)

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Are you dreaming of a CLINQUANT Christmas?

What's the word I'm thinking of? Today, it's....

CLINQUANT [KLING-kunt] (adjective)

Glittering, but in a false or cheap way, like tinsel

"No, there are too many of these fine sparks you talk of who perhaps may be very clinquant, slight, and bright and make a very pretty show at first, but the tinsel-gentlemen do so tarnish in the wearing, there’s no enduring them."
--Thomas Shadwell, The Virtuoso (1676)

I once had a cat that liked to eat the tinsel (of the “icicle” type) off the Christmas tree. Maybe he had an iron deficiency. Anyway, he always threw it up later, in a clinquant hairball, which was both pretty from a distance and disgusting close up--like many things. (TWITO, page 32)

Sunday, December 13, 2020

It's all over except for the EJULATION

What's the word I'm thinking of? Today, it's....

EJULATION [ej-yoo-LAY-shun] (noun)

A wailing; lamentation

“‘Eleven years of solitary confinement!’ is the ejulation of Mr. Dickens, forgetting the crime for which the man was imprisoned!”
--Joseph Adshead, Prisons and Prisoners (1845) (TWITO, page 44)

Sunday, December 06, 2020

Time for a COSMOTELLURIAN perspective, no?

What's the word I'm thinking of? Today, it's...

COSMOTELLURIAN [cos-mo-tel-OO-ree-an] (adjective) 

Pertaining to both heaven and earth 

"So, feet on the ground, head in the stars, eh?" said Mr. Dolty. The astronomer smiled patiently and said, "I think of myself as a cosmotellurian investigator." (TWITO, page 35)