Sunday, December 02, 2012

Random Sequence


The monotonous squawking of seagulls rose and fell on the beach, in between the metronomic swooshing of the waves, and interrupting Mandy's attempt to meditate. She sat cross-legged on the sand, eyes closed, repeating her mantra: wigwam, wigwam, wigwam.... But it was no use; the gulls seemed to be fighting over some dead thing along the shoreline, and they wouldn't shut up.

But it wasn't only that. The beach was becoming more crowded as the afternoon wore on, and she was keenly aware of people -- men especially -- staring at her, an attractive young woman in a bikini, sitting in the lotus position on a Sponge Bob beach towel. A sand-covered child came up to her and asked, "Do you have a baby?" She was forced to open her eyes. "No," she said coldly, as the kid's mother pulled him away.

Mandy reached into her beach bag and pulled a huge Snoopy towel around her shoulders and legs. In her floppy hat and sunglasses, and completely covered with the towel, she ceased to draw attention from any gawkers. Wigwam, wigwam, wigwam she repeated to herself, as the hours slipped away and the beach gradually became almost deserted.

The mantra helped. She could almost forget about the horrible accident back at the house. A tiny, disturbing apprehension crept into her mind though: she wondered if anyone had called the police yet, and if they were looking for her. Wigwam.... but then the birds started in with their infernal cawing again, and she couldn't let her thoughts go.

Mandy sighed, reached into her beach bag, and pulled out the gun. She squinted as she aimed at the fattest gull, which was pecking at a dead fish the waves had washed up. She fired, but missed this time. At least all the gulls flew away though. She put the gun back in the bag and closed her eyes. Wigwam, wigwam, wigwam....

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