Monday, July 07, 2008

Names: Gone But Not Forgotten

Gone But Not Forgotten

People I used to know, well or slightly:

Phyllis Jaselle
Randy Egnaczyk
Steven M. Katz
Mark Suran
Charlie Pekunka
Margaret Leonard
Zeta Chulik
Mr. Shipey
Chuck Wunderman
Don Longabucco
Jean Vestal
"Beezer" Bevins

I don't know why certain names stick in my head for decades. Some of them just have a "ring" to them. I especially like the more unusual ones -- maybe because my name is common -- and the ones that sound like characters in a novel.


  1. I knew a charlie pekunka as well. how many of them can there be?

  2. Nice guy I was in some classes with in college.


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