"But since you have neither, would it not be the wisest course -- and insure you the most happiness -- to cease fruitless
repinings, and be thankful for the many blessings you
do enjoy? The 'contented mind' brings it's own feast along with it, you know...."
--Mary W. Janvrin, "The Contented Mind", in
Godey's Lady's Book and Magazine, April 1864
(I found a bound copy of several issues of
Godey's in my basement and have been flipping through the dusty pages.)
repinings (noun) = complaints, fretful expressions of discontent
Tell the customer service rep that you have some "
repinings" and see what sort of reaction you get.
The weird thing about this bound copy of
Godey's (an American
magazine) is that the issues are all from the 1860s, and there is not a
single mention anywhere of the American Civil War.