Sunday, April 13, 2003

Sunshine and Sinking Feelings

My son was in a Little League parade today. The weather was golden and springlike. It's odd how normal everything seems on the surface at this bizarre (in my opinion) moment in our nation's history. After the parade, I listened to the gaseous speeches at the Little League's opening-day ceremony, with the requisite references to how well "our boys" are doing in Iraq, feeling like I had entered the Twilight Zone. Of course, in one sense, they have done "well"--Saddam is gone. But as that country descends into chaos, the whole rationale for the war seems screwier than ever to me. Now the talk is of taking over Syria, too--supposedly, the "weapons of mass destruction" that they still can't find were sent over there (how convenient). These weapons, powerful as they are, are both awfully easy to hide and awfully easy to move, it seems. It reminds me of the search for the holy grail . . . Sometimes I wish I could just turn off my mind, turn on Fox News, and stop questioning so much.

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