Thursday, February 26, 2004


Occasionally, when I have a spare minute, I like to type an open-ended phrase into Google just to see what words come up to complete it on the first few pages of listings. The results can be mundane or humorous, but they can also be poignant--or bizarre:

If only I could . . .

. . . fly
. . . reach them
. . . get one hit
. . . get into the corner of your head
. . . see the forest
. . . make money doing this [the classic blogger's lament?]
. . . change the past
. . . recall
. . . find drink lids that work
. . . get through this
. . . get organized
. . . be with you
. . . turn back time
. . . sit here and eat cake all day
. . . be one of them
. . . install it
. . . time travel back and 'police' patrons with my authority and flashlight at the Avalon Theater in Detroit where I was an usherette
. . . remember
. . . shit a golden brick
. . . assign the cat litter to a sub-folder
. . . Get Out of This Chair: A Support Guide for Survivors of Verbally Abusive Relationships
. . . strike her from my memory
. . . find a way in to this top secret facility
. . . come up with an article subject [amen]

Hmm. Some of these sound like decent story-starters.

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