Saturday, January 03, 2009

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Way I Feel

Sat behind a Marine in uniform on the bus yesterday. He was talking about Afghanistan on his cell phone. "I can't wait to get over there," he said. Felt concerned.... An artist friend came over and drew a portrait of Philip, and I took a picture of it with my new camera. Felt twice removed.... Went into work yesterday (Friday) for the first day this (holiday) week. Felt like Monday.... Noticed last night that the street light outside our house is burnt out. Felt the darkness as almost palpable.... Flippling channels last night, I watched a few minutes of a "reality" show in which Miss America contestants were running around a cruise ship, looking for clues in a treasure hunt. Felt mindless.... Watching the birds at the bird feeder in the backyard this morning. They seem to fight over the seeds. They're either greedy or very hungry. Felt transfixed....


  1. I like your observations and attention to what's going on around you.

  2. Thanks, Kristina. I enjoy writing this little kaleidoscope of impressions every so often. When I start, I often think I only have one or two things to mention, then a bunch of others come out.


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