Monday, May 16, 2011

Word of the Day: jargogle

jargogle (v)

To confuse or mix up.

"Congratulations, dearest; I wouldn't have thought it possible, but you've found something else to jargogle."
--Peter Bowler, Ron Bell, The Superior Person's Second Book of Weird and Wondrous Words

Things that confuse or puzzle me:

--I'm looking for something, and my wyfe tells me it's "in the closet". We have eight closets here. "Which closet?" I ask. "The Closet!" she yells.
--Kids playing in the street when there are two huge parks a couple of blocks away in either direction
--A relative who has changed her first name to something completely different -- but not legally; trying to remember and use it
--High fructose corn syrup
--Weekend train schedules
--vesting (financial, not sartorial)
--PPOs vs. HMOs
--zebroids, zorses, zebrules, zonies, zonkies, donkras and zebra hinnies

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