Thursday, February 28, 2013

Word of the Day: stultiloquence

What's "the word I'm thinking of"? Today, it's....

stultiloquence (noun)

Foolish talk, idiotic discourse, or babble

"....but Saul, seldom sent to school, seldom said a single shrewd saying, and seldom showed signs of striving to say: so some said he seemed a somnolent sap-head, surpassingly sufflated with stupid stultiloquence."
--Francis Channing Woodworth, "Story of Saul Simpleton" (1852)

Overheard on the bus one evening last week:

"There were too many yuppies. I need some rhythm in my life. Not just frolicking. That's just me being hickey, I guess...."

This was a rather parvenu-sounding woman burbling into her phone in the seat behind me. I couldn't help puzzling over what this little stultiloquent discourse meant. Do yuppies still exist? What does "hickey" mean? I suppose there are still young, urban professionals swimming around, even in the current economic malaise, but they no longer constitute a distinct social movement, I don't believe. As for "hickey", if she wasn't referring to herself as a passionate welt, she must have meant "hickish" -- i.e., unsophisticated. Apparently "hickey" people prefer rhythm to frolicking, repetition to playfulness.

Personally, I prefer my frolicking to be rhythmic.

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