Scenario 14 (excerpt 1)
At the Dunghill & Oddments Ad Agency
All the career eggs sat at their pathetic desks in over-air-conditioned semi-vexation. One, Adrian Hammerson, wore an Indian derby with a turkey feather protruding from the hatband. He had to amuse himself in some way. Always. He had to move around, too, or his feet would fall asleep. He got up to use the unisex water closet, but there was a conga line at that door -- a bunch of hard-boileds giggling and referring to themselves as the "flush mates". He decided to hold it (not literally). "Clever horrors", he muttered to himself as he returned to his icy cube. He added another line to the ad he was writing for "Lawn Chairs for Less". It mentioned "reinforced grosgrain plastic bands". This reminded him of the Dynamite Cannibal concert from the previous Thursday. He attached his trash cans and clicked to some videos on There it was: the penultimate rap-star fusion moment, when Higgy MoneyRhyme had screamed, "No more guitars!!" Ectasy. Extasy! Time had seemed to stop. "But life went on," Adrian thought. "And fannies do need lawn chairs...."
Sounds like where I used to work.