Friday, December 24, 2010

Sorry to Disappoint

Below are some of the search terms that brought seekers to this font of wisdom recently. Most of them probably went away disappointed. So sorry about that....

bizarrerie hunting photo

Gentle reader, were you looking for a bizarre hunting photo or hunting for a photo of a bizarrerie? You wouldn't find the former here. My only hunting experience involves trapping mice, and it isn't pretty or particularly bizarre.

Semantic Modes of Non-Essential Functioning

Might be a good alternate name for this blog....

Archaisms in Shakespeare

Are there some? "Those that understood him smil'd at one another and shook their heads; but for mine own part, it was Greek to me." (Julius Caesar, Act I, Scene 2) The problem with Shakespeare is not that his works are so full of archaisms, but that they are chock full of clichés.

you foment graciously, as any dying monster did rot

Why thank you.


I'm more of a coffeepot head.

yeti stalking

Not one of my favorite activities... but, um, is he on Facebook?

Japanese surrealism

"Why do they cover Paul's songs, but never mine?"
--Yoko Ono (who follows me on Twitter)

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