Sunday, March 10, 2013

Random Sequence

Commercial Scenario No. 5

It was one of those hot, humid nights that seem to cling to the trees and conjure the vague, ominous feeling that one is being watched. People with tired faces walked slowly along the boulevard. Among them, to his surprise, Daniel saw Veronica, lovely as always, but pale as a vampire. He approached, touched her shoulder, and said, "Just one more thing..."

She turned slowly. Her face was stone. "I told you never to speak to me again," she whispered, and drifted away.

He didn't follow. He had completely lost her, and knew he had to drown his intolerable thoughts -- not in whiskey this time, but in philosophy. Sooner or later, he and everyone he knew would perish, leaving no fingerprints upon the world. But for now, he had his memories and the scarf she had left behind, redolent of her perfume: Chanel No. 5.


  1. Veronica need to drink more water, maybe she'd be less irritable if she wasn't so dehydrated.

  2. Yes, I think the heat and humidity were getting to her. Or, maybe she really is a vampire in need of nourishment and was on her way to the blood bank.


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