Sunday, March 31, 2013

Head Rattle

New trend: stores calling customers "guests". Rite Aid, I'm only your "guest" if you serve me free coffee and donuts.

Today is Easter! Somebody wished me a "happy zombie Jesus day" today. We celebrated by biting off chocolate bunny ears.

Watched the movie Hitchcock today, about the making of Psycho. Best line: "Call me 'Hitch' and hold the 'cock'." He was like that.

What is the difference between "all natural" and "organic"? Pesticide?

North Korea announces it is in a "state of war" with South Korea. This is news? Haven't they been at war since the early 1950s?

I'm reminded today that teenage boys take really long showers. My nephew seems to be aiming for the Guinness Book of World Records.

A 90-year-old man that I only see every few months never seems to remember me. But a relative's dog that I only see every few months always seems to remember me. He wants me to rub the side of his head in exactly the same way every time. Maybe I should try rubbing the old man's head.

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