The optician down the street is remodeling his office and selling off some of his old eye charts, hand mirrors, and ugly Ray-Bans. This string of lights, which once surrounded his frames display, he was actually giving away. "It makes everybody nervous," the receptionist told me. "It's like you're being stared at all day." Of course I said "Let me take those off your hands." I'm setting up a yoga meditation chapel in my basement, and these will be just the thing to remind me, while I'm doing a headstand or something, of the third eye -- the symbol of spiritual sight, inner vision, higher knowledge, and occult perspicacity.
Actually, I just made that up. These are some Halloween decorations my wyfe bought at Party City. (Click the pic to go eyeball to eyeball.) You can see how they once looked on our front porch here. Scary, huh?
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