Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sorry to Disappoint

Below are search terms that recently brought seekers to this font of wisdom. Most of them probably went away disappointed. So sorry about that.


Lately, I get more hits on this than on any other single-word search term. It's an obscure term, mostly used in a philosophy context I gather, that means "The soul's gradual loss of its powers". Why so many people are googling this word, I have no idea. Lost souls or people practicing for spelling bees, I guess.

"Kirk Jones" reptile herpetology

No idea who Mr. Jones is. I must have mentioned him at some point in the last eight years. But it is not my custom to write about such things as "reptile herpetology". I don't know what that is... crocodiles with herpes?

Marylin monroe [sic] as a robot

If I had a walking, talking robot of the sci-fi sort, I wouldn't mind if it looked/sounded/acted like Marilyn Monroe. (Not sure the wyfe would approve.) I assume it is inevitable that Monroe will eventually be resurrected, either as a literal robot or as a realistic 3D digital simulacrum on the silver screen. But is it creepy to bring our dead stars back?

Is "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious" a real word referring to Irish hookers?

This would be news to me, the Disney Company, and Mary Poppins. It is a real word (it's in some dictionaries), but I doubt it refers to such. Would not people who discuss "Irish hookers" be inclined to use more, uh, vulgar jargon to praise them?

fishing off the pier

This sounds like a euphemism for something. Someone who is "fishing off the pier" is, perhaps, "not playing with a full deck"? Or maybe temporarily playing for "the other team", so to speak?

w0wz3rz amanda

Valley girls come to my blog. Awesome!

1 comment:

  1. People are googling "elanguescence" because the word appears in the broadway musical Putnam County's 25th Annual Spelling Bee.


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