Wednesday, July 07, 2010

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Way I Feel

Saw a black guy on a motorcycle wearing a Nazi-style helmet today. Seemed odd.... Got stuck in a five-mile hippie traffic jam last weekend on a country road in upstate New York. They were all on their way to a Dead concert (or a concert by formerly Dead members, or something). Frustrated by the delay at first, then decided it might make a good basis for a short story, if I can figure out how to end it.... Played a clarinet (well, got some notes out of it) last Monday, for the first time since high school. My nephew got an old one from someone and wants to learn to play, and I showed him how to get something other than squeaks from it. My feeling: he should forget the horn and get a bass guitar.... Hot, steamy day... that revolving door... The sudden 30-degree difference when going from outside to inside makes me queasy....

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