Monday, February 06, 2012

Brain Dump

Once all talk of generality is exhausted, it may open up new vistas of discourse, perhaps even of the poetic or oracular variety. A set of rules for producing kaleidoscopic analogies and automatic writing methods may emerge spontaneously and/or serendipitously. Everything begins to tend that way of its own accord, and this we call our individual culture. It is important to do everything possible to escape the trap of simply generating reams of balderdash, in order to fill pages or boxes or "walls". I do not believe in pure idiocy; nothing is pure in this world. Clearly the desire to be "perfectly" clear is a temptation for every speaker or writer, but inevitably, we fall into the idiomatic (not to say the idiotic). Every word that escapes one's lips becomes "intellectual" property, no matter how mundane or moronic, provided it is recorded in some form. Don't for a moment think that there is no political implication to this, however threatening that may seem. Your utterance or scripting may be utterly bizarre but still of some pecuniary value to someone somewhere somehow. And then there's this: nobody excoriates a mathematician or physicist whose discourse is incomprehensible, nor an imbecile as long as he speaks in a foreign tongue, but someone who dares to alter our own language, the vernacular, the colloquialisms of the hoi polloi? Bring on the crossbeam and the nails!

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What's on your mind?