Strange loops! I didn't know what to make of this metallic curlicue that appeared last year at the edge of the neighborhood playground. Then one of the local moppets who frequents the teeter-totter informed me that the older kids use it as a loop de loop for their radio-controlled toy cars. Not many cars make it all the way to the end of the track, creating a lively little after-market in 9V batteries, transmitters, and the usual bumpers, wheels and fenders.
Actually, I just made that up, because this sculpture, which occupies a corner of Washington Park, reminds me of the looping tracks I used to have for my Hot Wheels as a kid. I also think it sort of looks like a sci-fi time portal. Maybe if I crawled through it, I'd find myself back in my parent's living room, racing my shiny little die-cast hot-rods around and around.
Click the pic for a closer look. You want to. You do.
The Tilton Gallery in New York City is mounting an exhibition of David Lynch's paintings and sculpture, from March 6 to April 14. Check out some images from the show at the link. They have a certain terrible splendor and haunting surreality.