Monday, August 06, 2012

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Way I Feel

Wondering: If HM the Queen is watching all of this Olympic beach volleyball on TV. Beach volleyball... in London, where it's sweater-weather all year round, as I discovered when I visited there last July.

Repelled: By yet another crazy mass shooting, this time by a neo-Nazi with mush for brains who slaughtered Sikhs, probably thinking they were Arabs. He was in a heavy-metal white-power band, one of many it seems. Who knew they existed?

Terrified: Of co-workers getting sick. One of them is sounding hoarse, because she slept too close to a air conditioner, she says. Yikes.

Determined: To get this book project I've been working on (for a decade, in a certain sense) done and out in the world.

Amused: By this: today we've been seeing images from the London Olympics on American television six hours after the fact -- and images from Mars 14 minutes after the fact.

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