einstein fish
"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."
--Albert Einstein
True. But any fish that would take seriously someone's attempt to judge its tree-climbing abilities is an idiot anyway.
dave lynch and tombstone readings
This phrase is making weird pictures in my head. There are corpses ("wrapped in plastic") but not many tombstones in David Lynch's work. (That's more of a Poe thing, or an Edward Gorey thing.) He's reportedly fishing for ideas for this next film, so maybe he's even reading tombstones now? At this point, six years after his last film, I'd just prefer that he find some book he likes and film it. But whatever it takes, Dave.
A word that means "a guest who stays more than three nights". Maybe if you start calling them hoghenines they'll finally get the hint and leave.
God Like Scary skull pic
What makes you think God looks like a scary skull? I prefer to think He looks like a giant blueberry muffin. Tell me I'm wrong!
running rabbit weathervane
irritating sound crushing plastic bottles
There are certain sounds that I find intensely annoying, and that is one of them. Others are the classic nails on a chalkboard, audio feedback, balloon rubbing, nose blowing, and smoke-detector bleeping. Put me in a room with all of those sounds occurring at once and I think my head would explode.
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