Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Head Rattle


There's an acronym that people have been bandying about at a place I frequent: PTTM. What it really stands for isn't relevant here; what's interesting to me is that people are starting to give it other meanings; to whit, "Ping the Tall Man". Somebody used that alternate explanation for PTTM today, but I misheard it as "Pay the Toll Man". I was mystified as to what that meant, until it was later clarified for me. "Ping the Tall Man" does make sense, in the context of the place I frequent. But I still like "Pay the Toll Man". It sounds a bit Dylanesque, don't you think? Pay the toll, man, to cross the River Styx.


Anagrams for Whitney Houston (with punctuation added): "Nonwhite Youths"; "Honesty, Thou Win"; "Honey -- Oh Untwist"; "Soothe Whiny Nut"; "Eh, Hi, Swoon -- Nutty"; "Eh, Shitty Nun -- Woo"; "Eh, Showy Unit -- Not"; "Nonwhite Tush, Yo". Make of them what you will.


Apocalypse now: Snooki, she of Jersey Shore fame and recently banned from Hoboken, has moved to Jersey City. She's living in a converted firehouse downtown (where I attended a party a few years ago), and has already arranged to video her antics at several local bars. Mayor McCheese says there's no such thing as bad publicity, but I'm afraid the JC is about to become the laughingstock of the world. ("It already is," a friend comments.)

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