Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Way I Feel

Stoic: Snow again tonight. I've moved to Alaska, NJ, apparently. Silver-white winters that melt into spring are among my most abhorred things. Wordnik has 56 words for snow, including "diamond dust", "metohkangmi", and "crud".

Relatively serene: There are many ways to deal with stress: meditation, vacation, perambulation, mas… tication. One of the best, which I've recently rediscovered, is delegation!

Forgetful, ethnocentric: Somebody I "know" keeps sitting beside me on the PATH train and engaging me in conversation, which is congenial enough, but I can't extract his name from my cerebrum, even though he's enunciated it for me a few times. It's not a Western name, which is my problem, I guess.



Two Suns... the cure for snow or the end of the world? Probably neither, just two too cool.

"Where we're from, the birds sing a pretty song, and there's always music in the air." A Selected David Lynch Discography

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