Sunday, May 13, 2012

Word of the Day: prognathous


prognathous (adj)

Having a protruding lower jaw. (Thanks to Worthless Word of the Day for this one.)

"But he cuts no ice. If your business is big, you get behind him and find a prognathous Westphalian with a retreating brow and the manners of a hog."
--John Buchan, The Thirty-Nine Steps

Ick. If you click on the word/image link above, you'll see that this word mostly applies to Neanderthals and insects. And bulldogs, I suppose.

As a kid, I was the opposite of prognathous. I had an over-bite, and had to wear braces for a few years on my top teeth to pull them back a bit. Not fun. My dental dilemma was complicated by the fact that I'm missing two upper adult teeth for hereditary reasons -- thanks, Grandma! -- so some adjustment was needed to fix the spacing between my upper choppers too. And I had to get a couple of false teeth -- otherwise, I would look like a hillbilly or maybe a crack head every time I smile.

Later this week, I have to get a root canal. Pray for me.

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