Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Way I Feel

Strange: Not sure why I find documentaries about plane-crash investigations worth watching on TV. It must be for the same reason some people find murder mysteries so compelling. It's really the same thing, except the crime is committed by a lethal amalgam of bad luck, human error, and indifferent Nature rather than some human malefactor.

Retro: Why do I still pay for almost every minor purchase with cash, when almost every emporium I visit has a card swiper at the register? I do have a debit card. I just don't use it. I think I like the physicality of the transaction, feeling those grubby pieces of paper and oily coins in my hands. Anything that can bring me temporarily down to earth from the digital Arcadia I dwell in for most of the day (including, like, right now) is salubrious.

Wondering: How this is all going to play out. I can't be more specific than that. I have a feeling the next month or so is going to see a revelation and a great flowering. The question is, will it be fleurs du mal, blue roses, or a garden of earthy delights?

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