Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Link Mania: Find the McGuffin

You know what a McGuffin is. It's the plot device that the characters in a thriller movie or suspense novel are obsessed with obtaining, but that the audience doesn't really care about, except insofar as it drives the story. Hitchcock invented the term and was famous for employing McGuffins in his films. (North by Northwest, for example has two of them: the microfilm containing government secrets and the false identity George Caplan.) Science-fiction is also largely driven by McGuffins. Here's a serious-sounding one:

Your McGuffin is a Wave Singularity Transmitter.

But you may prefer a sillier-sounding plot device:

Your McGuffin is a Cosmic Hallucination Capacitor.
Your McGuffin is a Sonic Accident Drive.
Your McGuffin is a Nuclear Excitement Transmitter.
Your McGuffin is a Quantum Balderdash Lens.
Your McGuffin is a Virtual Orgasm Portal.
Your McGuffin is a Sonic Beauty Transponder.
Your McGuffin is a Sub-quantum Pomposity Destroyer.
Your McGuffin is a Plasma Underwear Generator.
Your McGuffin is a Quantum Pixie Emitter.
Your McGuffin is a Repulsive Elf Obliterator.
Your McGuffin is a Particle Insanity Gun.
Your McGuffin is a Gravitational Fun Creator.

Time on your hands? Generate more of these here.

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