Thursday, April 12, 2012

Much Ado about NOTHING

I'm of two minds about catch phrases. On the one hand, I hate to repeat myself. It disgusts me when I find myself saying "push it to me" so often at work -- a very useful expression at times, but an ugly locution. And I feel vaguely nauseous about some of the catch phrases I hear all the time from other people, like "close the loop", "circle back", "pretty much", "here's the thing", "what's interesting is..." None of them are creative or literary.

A good catch phrase, instead of being just a verbal tic or crutch, helps to define character. I'm thinking of Vonnegut's "so it goes" and "hi ho", of Dickens' "Bah, humbug", of Melville's "I would prefer not to", or even Charlie Brown's "Good grief!" All are nearly meaningless phrases that can be applied to a multitude of situations, yet they are also idiosyncratic as hell. That's the kind of catch phrase I want -- one that defines me.

Oh, I can think of something clever to say from time to time. Instead of saying "yes" to someone's question, I'll sometimes say "indeed!" Or if someone casually says they're sorry for some trifling misdeed, I'll say, jokingly, "You will never be forgiven." Those aren't universal or poetic enough to count as character-defining catch phrases, though. So -- if you can think of an appropriate one for a compulsive blogger and wordnik... please push it to me.

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